Holy Days Foretell God’s Salvation

The best good news we’ll ever hear is the awesome reality of the plan our gracious Creator has worked out for us because He loves us so much. It involves every human being – past, present, and future.

In spite of what some people think and loudly proclaim, God has not been thwarted in His dealings with mankind. God is not bumbling about, almost losing out to evil. God has a PLAN. And, He WILL accomplish it.

From ancient times, God has peppered seven annual Holy Days with prophetic signs foretelling what was to come in His intricate, eternal plan. A summary of these days is found in Leviticus 23, yet there are hundreds of references to these Holy Days in scripture once a person knows what to look for.

Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread

First is the season of the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, along with the Wavesheaf Offering. This season pictures the flawless Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world, offered for the complete payment of the sins of all mankind. The bread and wine of Passover symbolize the broken body and blood of our Savior.

The Days of Unleavened Bread signify the need for repentance and putting away the sin that required the death of the Lamb in the first place. Putting away sin from one’s life involves our hearts and wills being submitted to God. And, it requires the supernatural intervention of Almighty God to release us from our bondage to sin. It is God who grants us repentance and the faith we need to accomplish it.

The Wavesheaf during Unleavened Bread indicates the resurrected eternal Christ before God’s throne, picturing God’s acceptance of the perfect life, sinless sacrifice, and completion of the Work of Jesus Christ on earth. Jesus Christ became the first of God’s firstfruits.


Fifty days following the Wavesheaf Offering is the Feast of Pentecost (also known as the Feast of Firstfruits) when God sent the Holy Spirit He had promised. The gift of the Holy Spirit empowers humans to become the sons of God. It impregnates them with an earnest of the Spirit with which Christ was filled on earth. It bestows a measure of the divine nature, writing the laws of God on our hearts and ultimately will bring about eternal life.

Power came to the Church God sired, and He began to shape those He intended to call and work with first among humans. While Jesus Christ is the first of God’s firstfruits, the Church is the remainder of the firstfruits.

Feast of Trumpets

The next significant fulfillment in God’s plan is explained in the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets. God sounds forth seven trumpets, announcing events very near the second return of Christ.

The seventh trump (the last trump) sounds as Jesus Christ returns, gathers together His saints (the Church, now eternal spirit beings through a resurrection like that Jesus experienced), and begins to set up a literal world ruling government for 1000 years.

Christ is the ultimate in power and authority; He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will rule with the full authority of His Father to subdue all enemies forever.

There will be a great war (Armageddon) as humans, deceived by Satan, the devil, will audaciously fight their Creator and Savior.

Day of Atonement

One of the first things God’s government will do is remove the influence of Satan, the devil. The Day of Atonement pictures Satan being chained and placed in solitary confinement for 1000 years. It also pictures the blood of Jesus Christ covering all the sins of mankind, so each person can have access to God, the Father, and can come to be at one with Him.

Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the 1000 year reign of God’s government on earth through Jesus Christ and the resurrected Church, a nation of kings and priests. They will rule the nations of the earth and administer the law of Almighty God. People will be healed and whole.

There will be prosperity and universal peace (SHALOM). Then, when the 1000 years concludes, Satan will be loosed for a little season, during which he will again set out to deceive humans, trying to wreck God’s great plan. He will finally be thrown forever into the Lake of Fire which is the second kind of death, i.e., the death from which there is no return.

Last Great Day

The Last Great Day is the last one of seven annual Holy Days. After the 1000 year reign of Christ, all, yes, all who have ever lived will finally have access to God. God will resurrect the rest of the dead back to human life. God will offer them truth, mercy, and eternal life. They will have an informed choice to live forever, free from sin, fear, pain, and tears in productive paradise with God, with free access to the water of life and tree of life.

Only the most incorrigibly wicked will choose the second death over glorious eternal life in God’s family. Finally, death and hell will be destroyed. And, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. And then, Almighty God the Father will Himself come to dwell with us. In this new heaven and earth, there will be only righteousness.

Defining the Gospel

The gospel is not just about the man, Jesus. It is not just about the Kingdom of God in the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth. Both of these are essential parts. But, as you have just read, the gospel is even more good news than these two great issues.

For more details about your glorious, exciting, future, please contact us.

If you would like encouragement and further details on knowing and serving the God Who made you, loves you, and has prophesied to you the witness of His salvation through seven annual Holy Days, please contact us. We will provide you with more details about the Holy Days and where they can be found throughout the scriptures.

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