1 & 2 SAMUEL

The Hebrew title is Shemuel, “Name of God,” or “Asked of God.” Both 1 and 2 Samuel are titled after the prophet Samuel, the book’s main character.

Unknown. 1 Chronicles 29:29 shows Samuel wrote at least part of the book. Jewish tradition states Samuel wrote 1 Samuel 1-24; Nathan and Gad were the other probable authors.

@ 1097-967 BC. The book spans about 130 years from the birth of Samuel to the death of King David.

History of Israel during the latter judges.
Government from the judges to the monarchy.
Israel becomes a Theocratic Kingdom.
Significant episodes in lives of Saul and David.
Background of the people through whom Messiah would come.

Samuel, used to anoint Saul and David, was known as the “King-maker.” The two books were originally combined into one. The probable reason for the LXX considering the book as two separate books was the necessity of two scrolls to hold all the material. This was also the case with 1 and 2 Kings , and 1 and 2 Chronicles.

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