Did Jesus Come to Destroy the Law of God?

Did Jesus transform the Law into something else?  Did He make it of no consequence to His followers?

In Matthew 5:17 Jesus addressed these questions to the people listening to His Sermon on the Mount.  He clearly told them not to think He came to destroy the Law or the Prophets.  Apparently, there was some discussion among the people indicating that He might.

Jesus brought up the subject in order to dispel any error about His relationship to the Law of God.

There have been many people down through the centuries who claim that Jesus’ work of salvation destroyed the Law of God.  They claim He transformed it into a temporary, negative, condemning piece of legislation, and completely did away with any penalty or consequence related to breaking or keeping the Law.

Jesus did no such thing!  In fact, our Savior established the Law.  And, decades after Jesus had died and was resurrected, God inspired the Apostle Paul to label the Law of God as holy, just, and good.

Romans 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

Through the Holy Spirit, the Power of Almighty God, Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life so He could be the ultimate Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world.

God prepared His own Sacrifice (the life’s blood of our Savior) to cover the debt we owe.  It is a debt we owe because we have all broken the Law of God.  We have incurred the death penalty. But, through God’s awesome and incredible Plan, Jesus has paid the death penalty for us.

Because of His perfect Sacrifice (meaning He never broke the Law of God), Jesus was able, qualified, and willing to die in our place and make it possible for the Almighty God to forgive us and grant us everlasting life as a GIFT!

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal lie through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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